Monday, October 4, 2010

Positive Memories of Design

My first memory of design goes back to when I was 6 years old.  I was also fascinated by my mom's closet, and frequently searched through it for things to dress up in.  There was one skirt, however, that caught my attention.  It was a patterned, purple, flowy skirt with an elastic band.  On my mom, the skirt reached her ankles.  I would wear the skirt as a dress because I loved the way it flowed and swished when I twirled.
Many times, I would take the skirt and arrange it in many different ways around me, by wearing it on one shoulder, tucking the skirt in on some sides, and twisting it.  I loved the way the skirt was designed.  It was long, and it was flowy to the point that when I twirled fast enough, it would float around me.  The material was silky and felt nice against my skin.
In retrospect, I think I decided to be a fashion designer because of this skirt.  Because I loved so much to arrange the skirt in different ways, I thought that I would grow up and design many more things that I would also be able to arrange.  I hoped that I could share the joy that I got from creating new things with everyone else, and I remember prancing around the house, showing off my new creations to my mom, and beaming when I was praised.
To this day, the skirt is still in my closet.  It is no long long enough to be a dress on me, but the memories that I have of it inspiring in so many ways will always be with me.  It has a couple tears now, in the fabric, but I can't bring myself to throw it away, because I have many positive memories with it.

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