Saturday, February 5, 2011


For my Visual Communications design class, I was assigned the font Univers.  At first I thought it was typed out in a random, boring font, because the name "Univers" typed out on the little slip of paper I had was so plain.  After figuring out that the boring font that I saw was the actual font, I was hit with sadness.  I wanted to create a typography poster with a more exciting, more showy font!
Our instructions were to come up with a typography poster that uses only the font to tell the viewer about the design of the font and what it is used for.  The only words we are allowed to include are: the font's name, the designer's name, and the date it was released.  In each poster, we needed to include: all the upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Since I was challenged by a font that I really hated, I found myself being extremely reluctant to create something that could showcase the font's characteristics and design.  In the end, however, I think I was able to come up with something successful.  I have also grown to to tolerate Univers as a font.  Who knows, in the future, maybe I will grow to like it!

Here's my poster:
What do you guys think?  Do you think it does a good job of portraying Univers as a font?